Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Panning: To get this shot I used a relatively fast shutter speed and followed my subject with my camera as I took it. I think it is strong because it shows a clear subject with a moving background.

Freeze Action: To get this shot I used a faster shutter speed and lower aperture. I think it shows freeze action because the fast-moving fire is distinctly captured.

Slow Motion: To get this shot I used a 6-second long shutter speed and held the camera very still. I think it is strong because it shows multiple blurry paths of motion.

Total Motion: To get this shot I used a very slow shutter speed. I think it is strong because it shows an interesting use of total motion and light.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

3 Photos by Irving Penn

These are three photos by the famous twentieth century photographer Irving Penn. I really like Penn and his portrait works because of his ability to capture the essence and stature of a person through photography with such mastery.

2nd Quarter Best 15

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Three Best Photos from 1st Quarter

This is a photo I took of an old abandoned truck and boat on some property behind my brother's school.

This is a close up of my friend's face from the side.

This is a photo I took of a jar of colored pencils while doing homework. I held my math homework behind it for the background.